In this page you will find information about completing attempts and their overall distribution.

⚠️ Remember that the following filters only use data from the last 30 days

Completion Rate

The percentage represents the amount of attempts you finish an attempt, in other words, the amount of attempts you finish with a time.

This is divided by the total count of falls and false start’s. All attempt types are used except for Warm Up attempts.

It’s useful to measure your perseverance and consistency in finishing attempts. As well as to recognise if a new step is not working as it should.

Distribution of attempts

A circular pie chart showcasing each of the three categories: Time, False Start, Fall .

It also showcases the count of each of the types.

Evolution of attempts

This line graph uses the current month data and it includes all the attempts except for Warm Up.

Each dot represents the count of that type that day.